The Hong-Ou-Mandel effect
Along with quantum superposition and quantum entanglement, quantum interference is one of the most important phenomena used in quantum information processing...
I am a PhD student in Physics at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) very interested in quantum technologies. I work in quantum photonics with anti-resonant hollow-core fibres at EFO-Lab. Currently, my main research is focused on tailoring the properties of quantum light. I hold both a Bachelor's degree in Physics from the University of Alicante and a Master's degree in Quantum Science and Technology from the UPV/EHU.
Paper (from master's thesis):
Mena López, A., & Wu, L. A. (2022). Protectability of IBMQ Qubits by Dynamical Decoupling Technique. Symmetry, 15(1), 62.
Bachelor's thesis:
Mena López, A. (2021). Physical systems for quantum computing.
Along with quantum superposition and quantum entanglement, quantum interference is one of the most important phenomena used in quantum information processing...
In this post I will talk a bit about the Zassenhaus formula, which is a very useful formula in quantum physics. It describes the disentanglement of the expon...
In this post we will learn to solve the 2D schrödinger equation using the Crank-Nicolson numerical method. It is important to note that this method is comput...
When we try to plot a complex variable function we encounter a first problem: we need a four-dimensional space. This is because this type of function goes f...